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della 207° Squadriglia, 103° Gruppo, Atonomo Tuffatori, Chilivani, June 1943
References / profiles:
Regia Aeronautica- Caccia & Assalto 1940-1943 Parte II, Paolo Waldis, Mario De Bortoli
La Bancarella Aeronautica, pps 62, 67.
Additional informations:
Between April 1943 and the collapse of the Italian state in September 1943, the Regia Aeronautica received quite a few Ju 87 D-3's. These were former Luftwaffe aircraft .The aircraft represented here was stationed on Sardinia. This machine flew a mission against Allied forces on Sicily on the 12th of July 1943, where Allies had landed two days earlier. Despite murderous anti-aircraft fire one freighter of 7000 tons was sunk.
This aircraft still had the original RLM 70/71/65 Luftwaffe paint scheme. The German markings were replaced by Italian ones and the spinner tip and the "1" on the fuselage were probably red.
This colour profile was published in the book: